The Home Page for the Oehmichen, Oemig, etc. family


Heraldic Figure

Fabian Alexander Oemig
Alina Jacqueline Oemig
Frank Oemig
Ahnenforschung Batschauer und Oehmichen
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Welcome on the Family Home Page of the Oehmichen/Oemig/etc. family. This is the starting page for my genealogy project.



Another hobby is the genealogy of my family. One of my relatives - Georg Oehmichen - has created a genealogy of the family, which goes back to the fourtenth century. It captures the family names

  • Oehmichen,
    • Etienne (1884-1955)
    • Hugo (1843-1932)
    • Walter (1901-1977)
    • Georg
    • Rose (1901-1985)
  • Oehmich,
  • Oehmigen,
  • Oehmig,
  • Oemig and
  • Emig
  • ...

I will try to provide a means for searching this archive, but this will last while. In the meantime, please feel free to , if you know someone with one of those names.

I also would like to highlight those members who had become famous for distinct reasons. Let me mention two examples:

Oehmichen's Marionette Theatre

Also known as Augsburger Puppenkiste
founded by Rose and Walter Oehmichen and

Etienne Oehmichen

Etienne Oehmichen, who built the first flying helicopter. But that is left for future. (you tube video, Wikipedia)

Finally, I would like to add links to other pages of family members. So if you know a URL, please let me know.
I also would like to publish e-mail addresses of family members to make contacts easier. If you are interested in being mentioned on this site, please let me know.


Last Update: April 18, 2012

© 2012 by Frank Oemig, Amselstr. 12, 45472 Mülheim, Tel. 0208 / 781194, E-Mail
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